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Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Sheryl Shane

There are many criminal attorneys advertising for your business. You have to choose the best criminal attorney to represent your interests. And my response is that Trust and Experience should be the deciding factor regarding who you hire. Now you can walk into a law firm and be told one hundred reasons why you should hire a certain lawyer. There may be some banter…there may be actual or implied promises made regarding the outcome. But in reality, we as attorneys are not permitted to make promises. Now, we may attempt to surmise the outcome of your case by an initial consult. But we do not know exactly that which may be done until we dig into the case and learn the actual evidence the Commonwealth has against you. So, the first step is to discuss the matter and determine your expectations and the possible costs depending on your objectives. Each case must be tailored to the individual client. The relationship is created primarily to benefit your interests. When you come to my office - it is my job to listen to your story. Strategies will begin to formulate. I will guide you as to what information which I may or may not want to learn. An attorney-client relationship is formed. Once retained, we will take the necessary steps to meet your present and future needs. This attorney will cover in detail possible scenarios, explain the law as it pertains to your case, review the court procedures so you fully understand what lies ahead, and make efforts to make certain you feel as comfortable with the process under each individual circumstance.This attorney may not make quick guarantees, but Criminal Defense Attorney Sheryl Shane will provide you with past similar scenarios which may help you understand where you stand. This can only be done based on Criminal Defense Attorney Sheryl Shane’s years of experience and familiarity with the Courts, its Judges, and the Commonwealth Attorneys. Attorney Sheryl Shane will look to all factors and help you choose whether you want to fight or accept a deal. Often, she is able to obtain dismissals on your behalf. Whatever factual information there is to your case and pertaining law - sound advice will be given. When dealing with opposition, we will begin with a calm and nonconfrontational approach. But, if the situation arises and toughness is required – you will get a willingness to fight. Sheryl Shane will never just grab the first offer given by the prosecutor in order to take the easy way out. She will work to attain the client’s wishes. This Virginia lawyer is here to do her best to meet your needs. You will have a lawyer you can trust to use due diligence and smart thinking. Give her a try so she can add you on to her string of success stories.



Attorney Sheryl Shane has been in practice law for 30 years with an extremely high rate of wins. From the time she began her journey in law school and won the Juris Doctor Award for Professional Responsibility through her many years of practice, she has acted as an Arbitration Judge, practiced as a Guardian ad Litem for children and persons incarcerated. She practiced as a Court appointed attorney in the early years in order to learn and give back to the community. Volunteer service has included acting as a Moot Court Judge for law school students and giving tours to eighth grade students at Fairfax County Courts. During her years as an attorney, Sheryl Shane has also been a member of several Legal Associations, and been licensed to practice in two States.

So when you get into legal and trouble you require the proper advice and protection for yourself or someone close – here is what you should know: “Sheryl Shane, the Virginia Criminal Attorney” will do her utmost to attain the best results for you as a person. So long as you stay in touch and communicate and work together, she will do her best to direct you in the right direction. When you walk in the door, the focus will be on you and no one else, and this status will remain the same until representation terminates. There will be no blanket statements such as “we guarantee based on 100% dismissal rate”. Because guarantees are not allowed by attorneys. And because there are times certain types of dismissals may have adverse collateral consequences and destroy your immigrations prospects, cause deportation, sabotage college scholarships and loans, and high security clearance careers. Learn what is the best avenue for you take and what road is really the best road to travel. You will aways make the final choice as to whether we proceed to trial or settle. But be sure that if there is absolutely no way around a guilty finding for you and your co-defendants, there will be a great chance you will receive less time imposed than the others. Attorney Sheryl Shane has on frequent occasions received lighter sentences for her clients than their peers, and this is due to several reasons. This we can discuss when you come visit the office a 4015 Chain Bridge Road, Suite J, Fairfax, Virginia 22030.

Good information for you to know:

  • Interpreters for languages such as Spanish, Korean, Arabic, Vietnamese, Farsi, and more may be arranged easily.
  • Court reporters (stenographers) may be arranged if interested.
  • Expert information may be furnished depending on the individual case.

Hurry and act quickly, Attorney Sheryl Shane gets booked quickly! And we want to meet you as soon as possible!

Virginia Criminal Defense Attorney covering clients from the City of Alexandria and Alexandria County, Arlington County, City of Falls Church, Falls Church County, Fairfax City, the Towns of Herndon and Vienna, Fairfax County, Prince William County, Loudoun County, and Stafford County.


How the Law Office of Sheryl Shane deals with Clients

Attorney Sheryl Shane is an attorney with (30) thirty years legal experience with emphasis on Criminal and Traffic courtroom litigation. Her length of time in the profession of law has provided her with the ability to serve her clients in a win/win manner whether the client chooses a trial or a plea bargain. After listening to her client(s) and the facts behind the summons or arrest or indictment in a criminal or traffic case, she will assess the situation and review the current law at hand. The next step is to refresh with her client regarding what occurred at the time of the alleged incident(s) and to check for truthfulness and consistency of the defendant, the police officer, trooper, deputy and the prosecutor’s other witnesses. Let’s not forget, there will be additional types of evidence to review such as documentary and illustrative. Since each individual has experienced particular actions or inactions regarding their individual case, a second factual review is provided. Subsequently, Attorney Sheryl Shane will delve deeper into the case in order to provide her best defense possible for the client. All major strategies are run by the defendant and are utilized upon the consent of the client. Since Attorney Sheryl Shane has many years of experience at the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, the General District Court, the Circuit Court, and the Appeal process, she possesses substantial knowledge with procedural matters. Hearings and Trials are an area of her job with which she feels quite comfortable. Defending interests are of utmost importance to the success of her business. The Law Office of Sheryl Shane is known for listening to her client(s), discussing possibilities and different outcomes in a truthful manner, and fighting hard to meet her client’s needs and desires. The Law Office of Sheryl Shane is passionate about the protection of her clients and will strategize to acquire the best outcomes available. Attorney Sheryl Shane is well known to go to trial when necessary. The Commonwealth prosecutors understand that it is not her policy to just settle quickly and walk away. She presents her arguments based on facts and law and is willing to settle only when requested to do so by her client. If you are looking for an attorney who is knowledgeable and understanding, she is the right lawyer to choose.

Attorney Sheryl Shane, Stands Out In The Criminal Law Scene For A Few Key Reasons, Particularly When Compared To Larger Lawfirms.

  1. Personalized Attention: Unlike larger firms that might hand off cases to junior associates or paralegals, Sheryl Shane is known for providing hands-on, personal attention to each client. She tends to have a more intimate relationship with her clients, ensuring they feel heard and understood, she personally manages all casework, and this allows her to fully learn the case better which helps her build a stronger defense when dealing with high-stake matters.
  2. Experience in Criminal Law: Sheryl has a solid reputation in criminal law and related matters, which sets her apart as someone who deeply understands the nuances of these cases. While large firms may cover a wide range of legal practice areas, Sheryl’s specialized knowledge in criminal law ensures that clients benefit from her knowledge accumulated over the past (30) thirty years in the field of law.
  3. Client-Centered Approach: Sheryl Shane, Criminal Defense Attorney focuses on the client's well-being, long-term interests, and winning cases. In sensitive matters like crimes involving assault, battery, domestic violence, malicious wounding, larceny, concealment, embezzlement, along with other felonies, this approach makes clients feel that their emotional and future financial security is prioritized.  Clients are often emotionally strained once charged.   Attorney Sheryl Shane understand this.  She does her best to stand in that person shoes and treat the client the same as she would want to be treated.    Many clients are afraid to lose their jobs if a Conviction ensues.  This attorney works hard to alleviate financial concerns.
  4. Direct Communication and Efficiency: In larger firms, clients sometimes feel that there is not enough individualize attention to his or her case.   Or that they are just another case number. Sheryl’s practice tends to be more agile, which means quicker response times.   Attorney Shane provides her cellphone telephone number to her clients.  Her cell is with her at most times.   She answers calls quickly and if busy – attempts to free up time to return call.   She understands that Direct and prompt communication is important.  Flexibility is her strong suite.
  5. Reputation for Integrity: Sheryl Shane has earned a reputation for honesty and integrity, which gives clients confidence that their legal matters will be handled with both skill and ethics. She will not promise results in order to gain business.  She will be upfront and tell you the truth.    On the other hand, although there may not be promises – she will provide the best avenues to reach the best results and she has been very successful at doing so.

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Familiar with the Court System

Clients need to be fully informed of the court process once an attorney is retained for their case. The Supreme Court of Virginia has established General Rules applicable to all Courts, provides Rules of Evidence, Establishes Practice and Procedures and forms, and other relevant information. States are laws are passed by the Legislatures and applied to the people and in some cases, businesses. One needs an attorney to walk into court on their behalf who feels strong and confident. Hire an attorney who wants you to win or beat the charge just as much as you want for yourself.

Attorney Sheryl Shane steps into your shoes and feels and sees what position you were in when approached by police enforcement. She puts herself into that place. She then analyzes the rules and laws which have emanated for the United States and Commonwealth of Virginia Constitution and does her best to determine how to defend you in a well thought out manner. On the other hand, there are times when in Court, and listening to the Prosecutors witnesses testifying, she may catch a note which rings positive for your case, and she will make use of their witnesses errors, misunderstandings, and inconsistencies and use toward your advantage. She will do her best to shoot from the hip and add greater strength to your case.

Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court

Police are often called regarding Domestic Violence Cases. Domestic Violence is basically the equivalent of an assault and battery against a family member or household member. These and juvenile criminal charges, some protective orders, and violations of protective orders can be heard at this court. Trials and hearings at this court are often kept confidential. Of course, there may be exceptions such as when a misdemeanor is appealed to a higher court, if a felony is certified after a preliminary hearing, or if a juvenile is certified as an adult. Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court is not a Court of Record. One of the consequences is that a party can appeal a misdemeanor ruling from this court and have it heard again at Circuit Court if done in a timely manner. The case will be heard from scratch just as if it had not been heard at all at the lower court. This does not take away from the importance of this Court. For at this Court – there are well-qualified judges, the same prosecutors, and real findings of innocence and guilt. A non-citizen convicted at this court can be prevented from becoming a citizen or be deported. This court has very real consequences. Defendants can win cases and perhaps the prosecutor will not appeal and the case is disposed of in its entirety. Some felonies are reduced to misdemeanors or dismissed. On the other hand, there are judgements which incarcerate adults and send children to shelters, detention facilities, and persons may be ruled against and ordered to participate in programs. This court has its purpose and its judgment can permanently change a person’s life. That is why it is so important to have an experienced attorney to represent one’s interest. Just like many other individuals who are educated and trained to fit their job description, the same applies to an attorney. It is the job of Sheryl Shane, Attorney at Law to be educated and familiar with the court system. Years of experience counts to help you.

General District Court

This Court does handle criminal, traffic, and civil matters. Regarding misdemeanor charges, one often sees cases involving Petty larceny, Marijuana charges, Assault and Battery, Prostitution, Bawdy house, DWI/DUI, Reckless Driving, Driving on a Revoked, Driving on a Suspended, Driving without a License, Hit and Run, Eluding, amongst others. There are also Felony cases which begin at this Court. Examples may include Possession and Distribution of Drugs (Controlled Substances), Grand Larceny, Embezzlement, Computer Crimes, Fraud, Malicious Wounding, and Robbery. Some Sex Crimes are started at the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court and some are initiated here depending on the charge. Sometimes the Felonies are resolved and at other times they are sent up to the higher Court. Having an experienced lawyer with a solid professional history is so important at this court. There are times in which persons attempt to represent themselves and accept pleas and programs without knowing the full consequences of their actions. They may not understand issues involving a dismissal with or without prejudice, the difference between a dismissal and an expungement, nor the immigration effect of accepting a court program. Convictions of this type can be life-altering. Hire a lawyer who will be frank with you about the whole procedure and consequences. This is not a time to forgo the best professional legal counseling. It is very important to have someone on your side who is not only knowledgeable and passionate but also to have someone who takes the time to help you achieve your goals.

Circuit Court – the Court of Record

This is the Court where a defendant is indicted and read Felony charges (may be certified from a lower court - or direct indictment) or misdemeanor charges which have been appealed. At this Court there are jury trials unlike at the lower courts. An exception may arise when both the Prosecution and the Defendant agree to waive a trial by Jury. Evidentiary and Suppression Motions are heard at this Court. There are Court reporters for the Felonies. Defendants may hire stenographers for the misdemeanors. Preserving evidence for appeal may be important. Usually – more discovery is provided by the Prosecution at this level. This can be interpreted as the Defense attorney having more access to the evidence. Sometimes it may be a good strategy to advance to this stage if the Defense feels there may be a lack of evidence on the side of the State. Other times it may backfire if a Commonwealth takes back an offer since the case was pushed too far. All these issues should be taken into account. That is why it wise to have a lawyer like Sheryl Shane who is familiar with the system.

Another consideration at Circuit Court is whether to have a jury or bench trial. Jury trials involve much more work than non-jury trials. For instance, for jury trials, instructions relating to the trial must be prepared by both sides and the Judge decides which to use if both sides cannot agree. The Lawyers and Judge Voire Dire the potential jurors (ask questions), and a certain amount are taken off the panel by both sides. A trial begins with opening statements by the parties. There are times the Defense may forgo opening statement since the prosecution has the burden of proof regarding the elements of the alleged crime(s). Next, the prosecution put their case on. Afterward, the Defense usually puts on a case unless Defense attorney has requested a Motion to Strike and won or for other strategic reasons. If a defendant decides against testifying, the jury should be instructed there is no presumption of guilt based on this failure to testify against oneself. After the evidence is presented by both sides, there are closing arguments. Next, the jury decides. If the jury finds guilt, there will be a subsequent separate trial where the jury determines punishment.

A few months later the Circuit Court judge rules on whether or not to follow the exact decision of the jury. Subsequently, motions may be made or an appeal may be filed. The ball is in the court of both the Prosecutor and Defense as to whether any further actions are necessary. The Judge may have his or her own agenda and schedule further acts or non-action.

Virginia Sentencing Guidelines for Felonies

The Virginia Sentencing Commission has been created within the Judiciary as an agency of the Supreme Court of Virginia. The purpose is to ensure the imposition of the appropriate and just criminal punishment for all individuals convicted of felonies at the Circuit Court. The Commission has developed Discretionary Sentencing Guidelines to assist the Court as to what is the appropriate punishment for these persons. The Virginia Sentencing guidelines in most instances take into account the defendant’s criminal history, current charges, along with other facets of his/her life. Points are assigned to the defendants past and prior acts. Probation Officers research the Defendant and draft a Pre-Sentence Investigation Reports. The Judge and both parties are given a copy. The judge reviews these guidelines and decides what type of punishment should be imposed upon the defendant. This is done after a trial and when the defendant was found guilty or when a defendant took a plea or is later at the sentencing hearing. The guidelines also may address fines, boot camp incarceration, local correctional facility incarceration, diversion and detention center incarceration, home incarceration, electronic monitoring, day or evening reporting, probation, and community service. These guidelines can assist a defendant to make a choice between a trial and a plea when he may have an idea of what type of punishment lies ahead. But, one must always remember that a Judge is not required to follow the guidelines. The Sentencing guidelines are discretionary, not absolute.

Many times when a defendant is found guilty of a crime or takes a plea to a crime, the Judge will impose actual time, suspended time, treatment, programs, and fines. Secondly, there are statutes which permit suspended impositions for persons charged with certain crimes and the Court will defer on imposing a conviction if the Defendant complies with Court Order. Unfortunately, life happens and failures to comply do arise, and persons violate the rules of a Court Order whether or not due to their own misgivings. Sometimes it is done with purpose and others due to emergencies, inability, negligence, or a simple mistake. When this happens, the party at issue will be required to explain to the Court and show good cause why there is non-compliance or in the alternative, the Court may impose sanctions. Punishments may be a new conviction(s), revocation of freedom, an extension of a probationary period, treatment, additional fines or perhaps community service. It is a no-brainer that an attorney who learns details about the defendant and fully discusses the client’s life and events which lead up to this point is the attorney you want to represent you. The Law Office of Sheryl Shane will do just that and introduce your evidence to the court in a passionate and persuasive manner. Not every case is the same and you deserve individual attention.

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